When you live in a city such as Utah, you know summers can be really hot. Thus, there are high chances that you will think of opting for air conditioning installation at your Salt Lake City home. Once the HVAC system is in place, you want it to work at its maximum efficiency and keep you cool during the sweltering Utah summers.
However, what most homeowners often neglect is the ventilation system of an air conditioning unit. The ventilation system connects the AC system with the outside unit and is responsible to distribute the cool air throughout the house. However, as the ventilation system remains hidden in the attic, behind walls, crawlspace, or beneath floors, it can accumulate dust, debris, and can get damaged if not cared for properly.
Moreover, if the HVAC system is installed by an amateur, the ductwork is damaged, or if it is more than a decade old, it can negatively affect the efficiency of the system. Thus, it is important to keep your ductwork in good shape. When you hire air conditioning contractors in Salt Lake City, you can be sure of receiving professional services.

Ductless Air Conditioning Salt Lake City

Faulty Ductwork Can Affect your AC
Some of the few ways in which faulty ductwork can negatively impact the working of your air conditioner include:
  • Duct Leaks
According to EPA, leaky ductwork can make a home lose up to 20% of its conditioned airflow on an average. This indicates that airflow in your home is not at its maximum efficiency. Duct leaks make it easy for the cool air to escape when it shouldn’t. This further creates cold and hot spots throughout the home.
Leak in the ductworks makes the air conditioners work harder to create the temperature you desire. A leak in the duct can pull in hot air causing the air conditioner to remove extra heat and humidity. Therefore, hire experts offering air conditioning service in Salt Lake City to get the ductwork checked.
  • Blocked Registers
Registers are not always present in the most appropriate spots. Sometimes, they are present in a space where you plan to put your furniture. Thus, if you choose to put heavy furniture in front of the registers and block them in the process, you must remember that it can negatively affect your air conditioner performance.
Blocked registers make the ductwork work harder to take in the air properly and return it back to the system. Thus, make sure the registers are not blocked for enhanced efficiency of the air conditioner.
  • Improper Design
If you choose to install the ductwork yourself or have hired an unprofessional HVAC technician to do the job, the air conditioner may not work to its maximum efficiency. Moreover, as the system starts getting older, it is more likely to experience airflow problems. This is because changes to the living arrangement are inevitable and this can cause some problem for the outdated HVAC system.
Moreover, new air conditioner and furnace may not work with the installed ductwork and negatively impact the efficiency of the system. With the increasing air flow problems and comfort issues in the house, the efficiency and performance of the air conditioner are negatively impacted. 
  • Dust and Dirt Infiltration
Ductworks generally breakdown onto closed-in parts of the house such as crawlspaces or between walls. This is when dirt, debris, dust, and sawdust can get into the ductwork. This can cause the dust to make the ductwork dirtier and if unnoticed, can cause wear and tear of the components.
  • Uninsulated Ducts
Are the ducts of your air conditioners completed insulated against the extreme indoor and outdoor temperature? The ductwork must be completely insulated to avoid extreme temperatures. For instance, if cooled air run through warm ductwork, the air will become warm even before reaching the room. This will make the air conditioner work harder than necessary.
Get Your Duct Inspected
Increasing your air conditioner efficiency will help you save money in the long run. Thus, it is important to get your air conditioning repaired by professionals in Salt Lake City. A duct inspection is also imperative for a household suffering from chronic respiratory conditions as pollutants and allergens can draw into the home through leaky ducts.
Hire Qualified HVAC Technicians
Don’t worry about faulty ductwork reducing the efficiency of your air conditioner when you have expert HVAC technicians by your side. You can trust Lee’s Heating and Air experts to provide you with the highest quality air conditioning service in Salt Lake City. You can hire the experts to perform ductwork testing, find the leak, and repair it for enhanced efficiency of the HVAC system.
Explore the services offered by Lee’s Heating and Air at https://www.leesheatac.com/ or call us 801-467-1561 today to schedule an appointment.

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