Hard water and eczema don’t go well together. Being a parent of a child suffering from eczema can leave you feeling helpless. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a condition where skin patches become red, inflamed, cracked, itchy, and rough. It is most commonly found in children, although, some people can continue to have it in their adulthood.
Here are some key facts about eczema
  • It is not a contagious condition
  • Certain food can trigger symptoms such as dairy or nuts
  • It can also be triggered by allergens such as pollen
  • Hard water is known to make the condition worse
  • The symptoms get worse during winters
  • Symptoms vary depending on the age of the person
  • Treatment focus on healing the damaged skin
Types of Eczema
There are several types of eczema.
Atopic Dermatitis – Caused by a problem with the skin barrier and a malfunctioning immune system.
Contact Dermatitis – Caused when the skin touches a known allergen or irritant.
Stasis dermatitis – Occurs mostly in the older population. Poor circulation to legs cause swelling, skin redness, and itchiness.
Nummular eczema  Occurs in the older population and is often caused by allergens. Appear as round lesions.
Dyshidrotic Eczema – Often caused by exposure to allergens on feet and hands.
Hard water and Eczema
Hard water contains a high amount of minerals, particularly magnesium and calcium, as bicarbonates, sulfates, or chlorides. Hard water is formed when groundwater percolates through mineral deposits of chalk and limestone.
University of Sheffield and King’s College London researchers have discovered that exposing the skin to hard water regularly damages the skin barrier and increases the sensitivity of the skin to potential irritants. Scientific evidence claims that children living in hard water areas are 54% more likely to suffer from eczema as compared to children living in areas which receive soft water.
Causes of eczema are complex and vary from person to person. But hard water is found to damage the skin barrier thus contribute to the development of eczema. Minerals in hard water bind to compounds in detergents and soaps, making them insoluble. Therefore, they deposit on the skin as scums. Moreover, hard water is highly alkaline and thus increases the surface pH of the skin which is usually acidic. This shift in the skin pH affects the protective skin surface barrier and exposes it to pathogens.
Patients suffering from eczema are much more sensitive to hard water than people with healthy skin. The increase in sensitivity is also associated with a genetic predisposition to a skin defective barrier caused by a mutation in the filaggrin gene. Approximately half of the people suffering from eczema carry filaggrin gene.
When it comes to babies and toddlers, parents often get perplexed trying to identify the cause behind eczema breakout. They try to eliminate food, switch detergents and soaps, and even go to the extent of avoiding certain clothes. Parents even choose to try different nutrient supplements, lotions, or vitamin supplements, but they sometimes fail to understand that hard water can be the culprit.
When bathing in hard water, the minerals clog pores and cause dry skin. Hard water when combined with soap leaves a film on your skin which is difficult to wash away. Thus, soap left on the skin also cause irritation and dryness.
According to statistics, approximately 20% of children suffer from eczema worldwide. According to the National Eczema Foundation, 31.6 million Americans are affected by this condition and approximately 90% of households in American receive hard water.
Can Soft Water Treat the Condition?
While soft water is not considered a treatment for eczema, there are few evidences which prove that using soft water can be one of the best preventive measures to soothe the skin. As a water softener removes magnesium and calcium from the water, it is ideal for cleaning, bathing, and doing other chores as it won’t irritate the skin. So whether you are going to have a baby soon, have children who suffer from eczema or want to protect your family’s skin and health, get in touch with water softener installation experts in Utah.
How Does Water Softener Works?
Hard water is caused by an excess amount of minerals in the water supply. The water softeners work on the ion-exchange mechanism, where the calcium and magnesium ions are replaced with sodium. The softener consists of tiny beads of ion-exchange resins preloaded with sodium. As the hard water passes through the beads, the ions are exchanged, and the sodium softens the water.
Get water softener installation done by expert professionals in Utah. Lee’s Heating and Air can help you make the right choice on an industry leading cost-effective water softener. Call the experts at today at 801-467-1561 or visit us online at www.leesheatac.com.

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